What’s new in Databricks for October 2022


  • Databricks Runtime 11.3 and 11.3 ML are in GA
  • User settings, Admin Console, Manage Account, Help, Workspace Switcher and search have been moved from the sidebar to the top bar in the UI
  • Improved inference of Data columns in CSV Files
  • Enable admin protection for no isolation Shared clusters. It  helps protect admin accounts from sharing internal credentials in any environment 
  • Personal compute policy allows users to easily create a single machine compute resources for their individual so they can start running workloads immediately. See more information : Link
  • Add Data portal provides access to common data sources configurations and file upload  UIs .
  • Format Python Cells in Notebooks
  • Admins can enable Enforce User Isolation to prevent creating or starting a cluster with “ No Isolation Shared”
  • Databricks kinesis connector now supports reading from Kinesis Data Streams in EFO mode
  • Connect to Fivetran from the Add data Portal
  • Partner connect supports connecting to erwin Data modeler


  • Unity Catalog now supports privilege inheritance. It means that granting a privilege on a catalog or schema automatically grants all the privileges to all current and future objects.

Delta Lake

  • Clone support for Parquet and Iceberg ( Shallow and Deep Clone)
  • Delta lake stats collection schema now matches column order in table schema definition

Databricks SQL

  • Serverless SQL Warehouses are now available in regions eu-central-1 and us-east-2
  • Global search is now available in the SQL persona. You can now search for queries, dashboards and alerts with global search  in any persona by name.
  • You can now find the query progress bar in the footer and the editing visualization action in the kebab menu
  • Autocomplete now supports Delta time Travel and provides column autocomplete when defining a foreign key
  • The row limit downloading query results to Excel has been increased from 64k to 100k rows.
  • A new Warehouse type, Databricks SQL Pro is introduced to Databricks SQL. It enables the use of Workflows integration, query federation, geospatial features and predictive IO.
  • A New Serverless region is available eu-west-1


  • Databricks is a FedRamp authorized cloud service offering at the moderate impact level.
  • You have the ability to make some AWS privateLink workspace updates by using the admin console 
  • AWS PrivateLink support is now generally available.
  • IP Access Lists features apply only to requests over the public addresses.

Machine Learning

  • AutoML supports the use of existing Feature Store feature tables in AutoML experiments.
  • AutoML supports DecimalType

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